Monthly Archives: February 2025

For those of you (as in MUSK) that want to sell your sperm — listen up

It is infinitely immoral for the world’s richest man to sell that which he did not create, the origin of which he could not and did not control, and whose lifestyle has had a negative impact on morality. That is “His DNA”

He thinks somehow it is his to boast about and propegate with, but, he had nothing to do with it, it was a “crap shoot” “lucky draw” and not his brains. Rather it was millions of years of evolution which he thinks he “owns” but what he inherited, just like his money.


Surfactant protein-D street art

While this looks like a ‘brainless’ depiction of a surfactant protein D dodecamer, it really is the result of looking at many many images, counting peaks, estimating peak number from CRD to CRD in a hexamer, and i am pretty sure its quite realistic from the perspective of what is shown using AFM.  I challenge anyone to work out (from actual images) a better diagram.  15 peaks per hexamer, 8 peaks per trimer.  Please let me know when you have succeeded.  Reminds me of a comment i made to someone at UC, working on this protein when he created the most rediculous diagram of a dodecamer of SP-D, he bragged that it was “artistic license”. no such license exists when depicting science.  THIS IS NOT artistic license, it is the culmination of a lot of work, but rendered with “street art” flavor.